God is calling His Church to extravagant prayer and worship. The Holy Spirit is raising up a praying and worshiping Church that welcomes the return of Jesus as the ultimate King of the earth and that worships Him in Spirit and Truth. Health for the Nations leads out in extravagant prayer and worship with various trainings, conferences and in our own prayer room.
Health for the Nations is starting a new prayer room in Langebaan (South Africa) soon! We will be open for times of corporate prayer and worship and also start teaching the Altar Call course for those wanting to grow in leading corporate prayer.
Altar Call Prayer Training
Corporate worship and prayer
Do you want more information about these public prayer events? Feel free to contact us.
The Altar Call is a powerful prayer training (upon request, please contact us if you are interested!) for those wanting to grow in leading corporate prayer including spiritual warfare and intercession, to experience breakthrough and intimacy with God.
This program focusses on equipping leaders in the area of corporate prayer and warfare, who in turn can lead others.
Get trained now in the context of your local church and/or a house of prayer.
Get trained now in the context of your local church and/or a house of prayer.